What Sets Us Apart

Listening to Your Symptoms is our Priority.

Providing Adequate Consultation Times Helps Achieve Results.

Our Mission

Our mission is to support our community to optimal health for an active empowered life.

Our Osteopathic division was established to provide excellence and offer an individualised patient centred approach to Osteopathic healthcare:

-> targeted at achieving short and long term health, pain, mobility and symptom management goals

-> ultimately allowing our patients to live life to its fullest: to enjoy the activities they love and to enhance overall health, happiness and passion towards life.

Achieving Our Mission

We believe in order to offer the best healthcare experience it all starts with listening and offering our patients with time.

-> Listening in order to achieve the results.

Our practitioners believe  in order to offer the best assistance, it all starts with listening. We believe getting to know our patients and taking the time to listen to their symptoms, current medical conditions, underlying pathologies, movement abilities, goals, and understanding their current occupational/household/sporting activities is key.

This ensures we consider all aspects of the patient and they are looked at as a whole.

-> Offering Time via adequate consultation times

We believe in order to be able to listen to each patient, adequate consultation times are required. After a thorough history has been obtained, this time allows us to perform a thorough examination, establish a working diagnosis and establish an individualised treatment and management plan.

Throughout our consultations we take the time to empower our patients with knowledge , explaining the diagnosis, treatment and management plan in order for each patient to fully understand their condition/pathology and the healing time required.

We love assisting our patients every step of the way and any answering any questions they may have is also important to us.

We feel this individualised patient centred approach to Osteopathic diagnosis, treatment, management and care is what sets our practice apart.

-> Osteopathic Consultation Duration Times

We spend considerable time with our patients:

– Initial Consultations: 1 hour

– Subsequent Consultations: 35 minutes

Helping you Understand the Diagnosis.

Offering an Individualised Treatment and Management Plan.

Empowering you with Knowledge.

 Assisting you to Achieve your Health Goals.

Our Vision

To be a Leading Osteopathic Pain Management & Multidisciplinary Practice in Melbourne, offering a variety of health services in one convenient and reputable location.