Tennis Elbow

Suffering from Tennis Elbow? We are here to help!

What is Tennis Elbow?

  • Tennis elbow is otherwise known as Lateral Epicondylitis
  • This condition is often the result of repetitive overuse activities of the muscles responsible for extending the wrist and lifting the hand.
  • This condition is referred to as a tendinosis
  • It is a degenerative condition involving a structure known as the common extensor tendon, which attaches to and subsequently leads to discomfort through the outer aspect of the elbow (otherwise known as the lateral epicondyle of the humerus).
  • There are a number of muscles located in the forearm. In the case of tennis elbow, Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis (ECRB) is almost always the primary tendon involved.

Who can be affected by this?

  • It can occur amongst tennis players. In tennis, the Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis muscle is particularly engaged during a groundstroke and subsequently this repetitive action can lead to outer elbow irritation.
  • It is not just confined to tennis players, tennis elbow can also affect people performing any other activities involving repetitive actions such as: gardening, painting, work involving manual labour and using a screwdriver.

What are the symptoms?

  • Outer elbow pain, which can radiate to the forearm and wrist
  • The outer elbow can be tender to touch
  • It may be painful with certain movements such as shaking hands or turning a door knob
  • Weakness may also be experienced

Lalor Soma Osteopathy offers experienced management care for tennis elbow

Consultation structure: 

  1. Understanding you symptoms via a thorough history 
  2. Conduct a thorough examination (such as visual inspection, orthopedic testing, neurological testing, muscle strength testing, joint range of motion assessment).
  3. Explain the diagnosis & allow you to ask any questions.
  4. Individualized Management may consist of some/all of the below components:
  • Referral for scanning as required, such as an ultrasound
  • Inflammation control management such as ice application
  • Allowing the common extensor tendon to recover. Appropriate bracing may be advised.
  • Understanding the activities you perform and empowering you with knowledge on understanding how these things can aggravate. As such individualized strategies applied to avoid flare-ups/re-injury.
  • Individualized Osteopathic treatment 
  • Individualized Stretching & Strengthening program 
  • If you are a tennis player we will discuss the importance of: an appropriate racquet weight, string tension, technique form & avoiding arriving to the ball late. The shoulder, neck and upper back will also be examined to ensure there is a good kinetic chain of biomechanical function, to compliment good technique form, 

If you are experiencing elbow pain, book an appointment today!